When we arrived at the party, we were greeted by the disgusting scene of at least 200 drunk teens gate crashing a party. The main thing that struck me personally was the lack of care that was given by the parent chaperoning the party. He was on the couch watching TV as teens drank, killing brain cells, damaging their lives forever. When we approached the drunk teens we asked if they would leave, but we were only responded to with swearing and insults directed towards my team and I. As the party was becoming out of control we were instructed by command to use force to break up the …show more content…
These teens have not been taught well by their parents and with very little punishment for horrible acts like these, there is little doubt that these misguided teens will cause more problems towards the community. I very much doubt that this will change. These ignorant parents don’t care for their children now and I don’t think they will change their ways anytime soon. Another solution may be the addition of police personnel. When we attended the party we were very much outnumbered and we were powerless to stop any property damage from happening. An increase to our personnel may help suppress activities like this, making our job a lot