Pragyan Parimita Sarangi.
Faculty (Finance), Bhavan’s Centre for Communication & Management. e-mail: pragyansarangister@gmail.com Mobile No: +91 9437282167
Address: Plot No - 9, Kharavel Nagar, Unit - III, Bhubaneswar - 751 001.
Trilok Nath Shukla.
Faculty (Finance), Bhavan’s Centre for Communication & Management. e-mail: shuklatrilok@yahoo.com Mobile No: +91 9337327034
Address: Plot No - 9, Kharavel Nagar, Unit - III, Bhubaneswar - 751 001.
Siddharth Shankar Kanungo.
Faculty (Finance), Bhavan’s Centre for Communication & Management. e-mail: sid1982@gmail.com Mobile No: +91 9681131042
Address: Plot No - 9, Kharavel Nagar, Unit - III, Bhubaneswar - 751 001.
Recession is outlined as a substantive slump in the aggregate economic activity across the res publica. Unremarkably, it becomes apparent through its encroachments on real GDP, wage-earning output, wholesale and retail trade, subjective earnings and employment of economic resources. During recessionary cycles it is determined that firms tend to choose vertical merger because this typecast countenances firms to limit their habituation on their supply chain and to step-up their efficiency resulting in benefits on the cost frontier.
The increasing economic abilities of the Indian corporate sector has preceded an exponential increase in Mergers & Acquisitions effectuated by Indian firms. In recent years Indian firms have participated more actively and visibly in outbound cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions than ever.
The present body of work makes an attempt to abstract the dynamically accelerated scenario in the Merger & Acquisition domain with the help of crucial trends and factual attests. The rationalities behind these accelerations as delineated in this paper are accompanied by the SWOT analysis of the contemporary state of affairs of Mergers & Acquisitions in India, particularly
References: India Statistics (www.indiastat.com), FICCI Reports (www.ficci.com), IMF reports ( www.imfstatistics.org), Assocham Financial Reports