February 4, 2013
Person Speech Outline
Topic: Description of Mary Breckinridge
Purpose: To Inform
Breckinridge, M. A. (1952). Wide neighborhoods,
a story of the frontier nursing service. Lexington, KY:
University of Kentucky Press.
Castlenovo, G. (2003). Mrs. mary breckinridge.
Retrieved from
Newsgroups. (n.d.). Internet faq archives-online
education. Retrieved from :
Most of you probably do not know very many if any people who were born at home. Home births do not happen very often, but in our ancestors lives, most if not all babies were born at home. Unfortunately, for every 100,000 live births, over 800 resulted in maternal death and 100 out of 1000 children died before their first birthday. (Castlenovo, 2003). I am going to describe a lady to you that helped to change this statistic, and her name is Mary Breckinridge. I’m going to start with her:
I. Personality A. Friendly 1. She knew almost everyone in the county by name. 2. People generally had positive things to say about her. B. Nurturing 1. Provided the best care medical and otherwise she could. (Castlenovo, 2003) 2. Cared for mom and baby long after the birthing process. C. Dependable 1. Traveled to her destination on horseback a. No motor road within 60 miles in any direction. (Breckinridge,1952) b. The terrain was extremely rough. 2. She went when she was needed. a. Went through floods.