Andrew Jackson was not only a president, but also a philosopher and helped set the boundaries for today’s unprecedented standards. His ideas were to have all the people have some political voice, and how the majority should be heard. These ideas caused a great impact in the politics of America.
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Government officials are replaced by the political supporters of the victorious party. Seen as a way to reward the loyal supporters.
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An Act that would allow the government to compromise removal treaties. It could not force the indians out of their land.
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Throughout the second term of Jackson, the national bank was being accused of having too much power. Jackson believed the bank was being unjust with its power. Jackson’s decisions not only concerning the bank but also in economics had great impact to the United States. …show more content…
Andrew Jackson’s decisions to repair the conflicts resulted in an admirable manner. These conflicts include, the Tariff of Abominations, and the National