Hook - Ernest Hemingway is experiencing the inferiority of women,racism against others, and the suicide of a depressed father.
Explain the story - A boy named Nick is with his father and the father ends up helping an indian woman give birth while most don't care about the woman in pain. The father of the newborn can't stand to listen to his crying wife so he ends up committing suicide. This helps Nick mature at a young age.
Thesis - Coming of age is the moment a person matures, and from Nick’s recent experiences he has gone to that point from the realization of the real world with all of the sexism, racism, and deadly actions that follows. For ernest Hemingway, he had gone through life where he was treated as a girl and dressed like one, his father was an alcoholic and committed suicide himself, Ernest came of age as he noticed the evil in the world, along with all of the segregation against groups. Since he was often treated as a girl throughout his childhood, in his stories he makes the women seem inferior as well.
Paragraph #2: Hemingway Life
Topic Sentence - Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21st, 1899 in Oak PArk. His parents were a bad mix.
Important Life Events - He was a paramedic with Red …show more content…
IT was probably most common to call somebody back then something that rude. Also, the whites were not acting as if they were superior, they just came to help the sick Indian woman who was in a lot of pain. Even George who called the woman a “Damn squaw bitch!”(18), was nice to the Indian men at first, “Uncle George gave both the Indian men cigars.”(16). In Uncle George's defense, he did get bitten by a woman pretty hard to need some peroxide(a liquid used to clean cuts from infection) and probably swore to keep his mind off the pain. Yet, needless to say, words like that were commonly used around that