Evolutionary psychology is a richly diverse and relatively new perspective in psychology. Often encompassing many strands within and outside of psychology in order to piece together a cohesive theory built on not one but many methodologies. To highlight this, this essay will firstly chart the different types of evidence used in evolutionary psychology then explain, with examples, why the perspective requires a multi method approach.
Due to the complexity of scale relating to time and substance of answer required, evolutionary psychologists adopt a range of evidence in the manner of a detective to help piece together a diverse historical structure to present a cohesive foundation from which to present a theory.
Evolutionary psychologists draw upon a combination of behavioral data; what people and animals have been seen to do, material data; via genetic mapping and archaeological evidence and symbolic data; through musical instruments and cave art in order to find thematic consistencies from which to bring forward a theory.
The purpose for evolutionary psychologists is to see not just the similarities and differences between humans but also the …show more content…
Altruism, essentially the performing of an act that is costly to yourself but directly benefits another can be measured and explored via many pathways. Experimentation (prisoners dilemma game), modern humans and studies via various animals all contribute. As does data from genetic and neurobiological evidence highlighting the importance of a multi-method approach within evolutionary psychology in order to get attain accurate and essentially ultimate