OUTSOURCING- It’s Pro’s & Con’s
BY- Harshaanth Ahuja Shadi shalash
Outsourcing is regarded and considered as one of the most powerful trends in modern management. The rationale for outsourcing some functions and/or processes includes substantial financial/upcoming economies, increased ability to focus on strategic issues, access to new and up-to-date technologies and specialized expertise, and an ability to demand measurable and improved service levels with reduced customer/client lead times. (Prof. Matildaa- University of National & World Economy)
Outsourcing is a business arrangement in which one organization contracts with another organization to perform services that it normally would have done itself. This occurs generally in areas outside of an organization's core competencies in order to take advantage of cost savings, access to better technology, equipments, expert services and opinions. An Outsourcing deal may also involve the transfer of the employees and assets involved to the Outsourcing Business Partner( Essay Empire.com, 2004).
Outsourcing has been growing both domestically and internationally during the recent years. Contemporary highly competitive environment in which today’s businesses operate acts as a strong stimulus for firms to outsource. In addition, economic globalization facilitates the process of searching for opportunities on the open global market to outsource some of the firms’ activities instead of