English 122
Instructor: Bernadette Anayah
April 30th, 2012
Children’s obesity is a problem in the United States. Children aren’t exercising the way they should be and are spending most their childhood lives in front of the television or computer. Research shows that children exercise less than 3 hours a day and most of the time it is at school. With this being said researchers also suggest that as children get older the harder it is for them to lose the weight and exercise. It becomes a part of their everyday life not to exercise. Childhood obesity can be prevented and overcome. It is hard yes, but it is possible.
Obesity is a state of mind. The younger you are to overcoming it the better. As an obese person as a child, many researchers have also found that once children/teens get older they want to be thinner this causes them to want to take better care of themselves. As a child overcoming a weight problem is something that takes a lot of work but again it is possible.
Childhood obesity affects many children and adolescents in the United States. It occurs when a child is not the normal weight they should be according to the child’s age and height. Childhood obesity can be troubling because as a child gets heavier it can cause health problems. The best strategy to help would be to change the diet of the whole entire family. It would include changing of diet and exercise. More than one third of adolescents and children were overweight in 2008 alone. Overweight children are a result of a caloric imbalance, which means that too few calories are worked off by exercise for the calories that are taken into the body. Calories are affected by various behavioral, genetic and environmental factors.
Some immediate health effects can occur to children who are overweight. Problems like high blood pressure and high cholesterol are major things that parents need to look out for if their child is
References: Center for Disease Control and prevention (2011, Sept 15th) CDC Retrieved from http://www.cdc./healthyyouth/obesity/facts.htm Kids health (1995-2012) Kids Health Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/obesity/facts.htm Complications of Childhood Obesity Childhood Obesity Foundation (2011) Retrieved from http://www.childhoodobesityfoundation.ca/ourStory Childhood Obesity at Mayo Clinic (2011, Oct 9th) Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/childhood-obesity/DS00698 Obesity in Children (Medline Plus) Retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/obesityinchildren.html