of children 5 to 17, 70% of these obese children has had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Obese children have a greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, social and psychological problems, which can lead to stigmatization and poor self-esteem. Obese children are more likely to become overweight or obese adults than children of normal weight therefore obese children are at risk for associated adult health problems, which can include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, possibly different types of cancer, and even osteoarthritis.
A healthy lifestyle includes healthy eating and physical activity, both of which can lower the risk of obesity and developing related diseases.
Four goals I want the children to look at and meet are:
1. The children to participate in a physical education program.
2. The children need to attend this program at least three days a week.
3. The children need to keep track of what they have eaten throughout the day.
4. Schools need to provide healthier food choices.
Many children are spending less time exercising and more time in front of the television, on the computer, or playing a video-game console. With today’s busy families many have little free time to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals. From fast food to electronics, quick and easy is the reality for many people today. I don’t think that children should be rewarded for their good grades through a new game. Parents should take their child and spend good quality time with them. On the weekends when the weather is nice how about going to the park, the beach or how about a round or two of miniature golf. My favorite that I liked to do with my children was hiking into the desert and doing scavenger hunts, my children looked forward to this and just finding the treasure and seeing what people had left and then them adding something of theirs to the treasure box. If the weather is cold or rainy then how about a game or two of bowling, laser
Health Promotion Program 3 tag can be fun for the whole family and a good work out. A parent should not criticize their child’s weight, but definitely need to take a role in helping and finding way to their child to be healthy. The rewards that not only a child will have their parent involved in their lives, but the parent having a bond with their child. The incentives from the goals that I have listed can be worked into their home lives as well. Some that I had mentioned before about getting out and spending the day with your child at park can be fun and full of exercise, a day at the beach playing the water or walking the beach and talking with your child. What I like to do with my daughter is put the puppy on her leash and we all go for a long walk and we talk about a lot of things we are out walking.
Ways to gauge and maintain long term success through this program can be rewarding, were ae teaching the children how to eat healthy and maintain a healthy life style. For the parents getting their child off the couch and actually doing things together as a family is a reward in its self.
Progressing toward better habits can be a challenge at first, you may need to push a little harder at first, but once the child can see how changing just a small thing in their life in many different ways, they will begin to push themselves.
For many children just spending time with their family can mean the world to them. I came from a family where never anything growing up did; we had huge meals and dessert every night. Big mistake your child is not going to love you any more or any less if you do not have a five course meal on the table every night. To help your child to become healthy eliminate eating out all the time, you can reward your children may be once a month by eating out for doing a great job in school. By being involved with your child, having dinners at home and communicating with your child over dinner can help in both their school work and health. After to program is complete the child have a higher self esteem because they achieved the goal themselves. The school needs to provide healthier food choices during breakfast and lunch. During the child’s physical education class the teacher needs to make getting exercise a fun experience, appraise the child for trying even if they did not …show more content…
completely succeed the first time. By applying age appropriate and fun activities more children are going to
Health Promotion Program 4 be willing to participate in them.
When it comes to childhood obesity each child needs to be treated as an individual. As a parent you can discuss with your child’s doctor your concerns for your child’s health. Cultural beliefs can play a huge impact on the program each culture has different views on how their child should be raised and what they will eat.
Many cultures raise their children the way they were raised and know of no other way. Support that can offer to help with setbacks can come from friends and family, if your child needs more than you can find local support groups in your area to help. With obesity on the rise in the United States there is so many organizations out there can help, the schools are taking in consideration the rise of obesity and many have started to offer healthier choices for meals. I am not sure about the elementary or middle schools, but the high schools have started to offer healthful living along with physical education. A child from a young age needs to know the effects of healthy and unhealthy eating habits. The schools should all be required to provide healthy eating classes as well as physical education in all grades. Obesity is not going to just go away it is only going to become worse, this is why we as parents need to support our children and get them the help they need, don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor, that is what they are there for. Schools need to not only make healthier choices an option but
they need to make it the first choice in meals.
Health Promotion Program 5
www.myoverweightchild.com/self-esteem.html http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/obesity/ http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=healthy+physical+education+activities