Many justices are approaching an age at which they can retire, and the next justices elected to the supreme court will heavily influence the U.S. for years, possibly decades. The next justices will most likely be elected according to the next president's views. However, the president should elect justice who will be best for the country as a whole, not just according to their own views. The next president must be able to think about the entire nation when electing justices. They must show leadership by listening to others, and not just
Many justices are approaching an age at which they can retire, and the next justices elected to the supreme court will heavily influence the U.S. for years, possibly decades. The next justices will most likely be elected according to the next president's views. However, the president should elect justice who will be best for the country as a whole, not just according to their own views. The next president must be able to think about the entire nation when electing justices. They must show leadership by listening to others, and not just