
Overcrowding In State Prisons Essay

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Overcrowding In State Prisons Essay
Shawn Olachea Wymondham Gaol was opened by Sir Thomas Beever in 1785. This jail was the first to be opened in Norfolk, England. This was near the end of the Age of Elightenment, when the Western World began to look inward and outward (Oakes, 2011). Looking outward, Western civilization could see barbaric tribes across the entire world (Oakes, 2011). Looking inward, the Western world believed itself more civilized and reformations began to touch every aspect of life, including dealings with criminals (Oakes, 2011). Belief in the scientific method drove society to find more humane ways of dealing with the lawless while perhaps transforming these into law-abiding, productive citizens (Foster, 2006). Five years later, …show more content…
At the end of 2001, state prisons were operating between 1 and 16 percent over the capacity, while federal prisons were above 31 percent their desired capacity level (Foster, 2006). It has been proven that prisons are more difficult to manage when they are above capacity and inmate and staff health and safety suffer when overcrowding occurs. The main reason for population increase is because of the crack down on the War on Drugs. As more of these individuals are taken off the street, the need for expansion in the state and federal prisons have increased. Although drug offenders make up a vast majority of inmates in prison, there are other types of offenders as well, which requires a variety of security …show more content…
Martha Stewart was a celebrity homemaker who served five months in prison for lying about a stock sale. She was convicted of lying to invesitgators about why she sold ImClone stock in December 2001, just before the stock price plunged (McCabe, 2010). After going through a five-week jury trial, Martha was found guilty in March 2004 of conspiracy, obstruction of an agency proceeding and making false statements to federal investigators. She served her sentence in West Virginia and was released March 4, 2005. After her release she was placed on house arrest for five months. Since then she has made a highly successful

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