My name is Kyle! I am 10 year old penguin and this is my story on when I learned about global warming, and how it was affecting my home. It was a hot summer day, hotter than usual. I just brought my ice cream no longer than 2 minutes and it’s running down my hand. I looked at my friend Jimmy’s snow cone and it was just as melted like mines. We lived in the North Pole and this wasn’t the norm. I had to find out what was happening
oom! Crash! Splash! Jimmy and I ran over to the edge of the snow cap and saw tons of ice falling into the water.
“Get away from the edge boys!” my mom yelled.
We rushed away from edge in terror that we would fall next.
“Mom, why is it so hot?”
“Why is the ice melting?”
“It’s called Global Warming Kyle!” mom explained
“What’s global warming?” Jimmy and I asked at the same time.
“Jinx!” we shouted.
“Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants.” Mom said with a worried face
“Huh?” Jimmy said with a confused face
“Basically, our planet is getting warmer, and even a small increase in temperature can change our climate. And when our climate changes, we’re all affected.” I explained in an easier way for Jimmy.
om was a science teacher at Polar High, and she explained to Jimmy and I more about how this ‘Global Warming’ was hurting my home.
“Polar ice caps can grow and shrink due to climate variation. During ice ages, the polar caps expanded to cover much more than the area they cover now. Currently, the polar ice caps are shrinking, most likely as a result of global warming.” Mom said This means fewer penguins a smaller backyard for Santa!
“SAY WHAT?” Jimmy and I shouted at Mom.
“No Santa?” “Global warming is the devil”
Unfortunately the impact is much bigger than that. The sea level has risen six to