The main characters in "The Last Spin" are named Danny and Tigo. Danny and Tigo are both in different gangs, while in a basement in New York waiting to settle a situation between the two gangs, Danny and Tigo are two gangsters playing a deadly game of Russian roulette. Danny and Tigo are enemies, but Danny and Tigo got no bad blood for each other since they both are in different gangs. As Danny and Tigo continue playing Russian roulette, Danny and Tigo start to get to know each other. Danny and Tigo talk about their personal lives, Danny and Tigo talk "smack" about their own gang groups, Danny and Tigo talk about their girlfriends, and Danny and Tigo talk about going to the lake as friends or "homies" and not as enemies.…
In certain areas, employers have the power to deport filipino workers back to the Philippines promptly at any upset. Agencies tell employers “even a difficult employer can be won over by a hard working and pleasant maid”(Ehrenreich & Hochschild, p.119). They are encouraged at all times to be easy going, diligent and agreeable and cheerful employer, despite any…
This article mentions several problems or issues in nursing such as; problems with supply and demand, nursing shortage, and the aging population. Nurses make up the largest number of healthcare professionals. The current supply is predicted to decrease as nurses retire and fewer prospects graduate from nursing programs. Due to this prediction some healthcare organizations have chosen to decrease the use of RN’s in order to reduce costs and in turn affecting quality of care. As mentioned in the article nursing schools are expected to think about expanding their nursing programs. Hoover (2007) mentions that one important challenge in nursing is attracting new students. In order to achieve this it will be required to improve wages and benefits,…
References: Board of Nursing. (n.d.) National competency standards for Filipino nurses., retrieved March 30, 2012, from…
The nursing shortage in the United States is much worse than previous shortages. Combining an aging population and fewer nursing students in school is a catalyst for nurse burn-out in hospitals that are already short staffed. The United States is hiring more and more foreign trained nurses. These nurses are filling many vacancies, many in less attractive areas and there is a marked difference in their educational level compared to their American counterparts. Both of these traits are impressive in trying to alleviate a nursing shortage. Research suggests that hiring foreign nurses is beneficial because of their ability to alleviate the nursing shortage, because of their advanced education, and because of their willingness to work in the least populated areas.…
Thesis: it good to import foreign nurses so meet the labor shortages in Texas. The major population of foreign nurse recruits has long been. Asian nursing shortage has become a global health and economic issue, potentially many healthcare and facilities and private agencies have been recruiting foreign nurse graduates(FNG) from many countries, including Asian countries such as the Philippines, India, Korea, and china, to the vacancies in nursing personal, and get Texas on nursing on nursing care and Job satisfaction.…
As a Filipino-American nurse living in Los Angeles, California, this writer has been a witness and an active participant in the multifactorial influences/aspects that affect the Filipino-Americans, in health and illness. Being a grandmother of wonderful grandkids has brought me further exposure to the plight of elderly Filipino-Americans in the United States of America.…
As the developed world experienced severe nursing shortages thousands of Philippine nurses began migrating to the United States. With the developed world experiencing severe nursing shortages, U.S. hospitals have found a deep pool of experienced nurses in the Philippines. U.S. hospitals have had little trouble luring Philippine nurses from their home country by offering higher salaries and better living standards. Philippine nurses have become such an integral part of the American health system that they have started their own national organization, the Philippine Nurses Association of America.…
Thesis: Nurses and paramedics have very similar jobs but the requirements, performance, situations, and conditions have more differences than similarities.…
Globalization has led to the creation of a new social world, one which is characterized by its cultural diversity. Cultural diversity in the nursing workforce is now becoming the common face of different healthcare organizations across the globe. The nursing workforce in Saudi Arabia relies primarily on expatriates who are recruited from different countries (AboulEnein 2002; Luna1998; Tumulty 2001). For instance, the majority of expatriate nurses working in Ministry of Health facilities are Indian and Filipino (Tumulty 2001). In addition, expatriate nurses are also recruited from North America, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, Malaysia and the Middle East countries (Aboul-Enein 2002; Luna 1998). The latest figures show that the number of Saudi nurses has increased from 9% in 1996 to 22% of the total nursing workforce. However, despite increasing interest in enrolment in different nursing education programmes, it has been estimated that 25 years will be needed to train enough Saudi nurses so that they comprise of 30% of the Kingdom’s nursing workforce (AbuZinadah 2006). As a result of this reliance on expatriate nurses to fill in the shortages for the country’s nursing requirements, the nursing workforce in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has become one characterized by a culturally and ethnically diverse population of nursing professionals. The same phenomenon can be seen to a lesser or greater extent in other parts of the world, most notably in the developed countries of North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and other parts of Middle East. Cultural Diversity in the nursing workforce has its inherent advantages and disadvantages. Caring for patients from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, culture,…
In 2008, I had the opportunity to visit the Philippines for the first time. I traveled to the various villages that my family was from, and it was evident that most people were quite poor, many whom worked on farms or owned small businesses. Surprisingly, these people were not sad because of their circumstances; they smiled through them. I was taking a glimpse of the world that my family had lived in, and I began to understand in a deeper sense why they wanted to come to the United States.…
Porcalla, Dellon “400,000 Licensed Nurses have no job in RP-PRC” Philippine Star September 1, 2008. pp.7…
advertisement (female nurse, male nurse, or masculinity emphasized male nurse), reported their perceptions of the nurse in…
LPNs have no trouble earning $35,000 to $40,000 a year, not including overtime. For registered nurses, wages are even higher. Newly minted registered nurses can make between $40,000 and $60,000 right out of nursing school, depending on their location or willingness to relocate. In 2004, the media income for all registered nurses was over $52,000. These figures are very likely to continue to increase, given the coming surge in baby boomers coming into their golden years. There aren't nearly enough nurses now to fill all the available nursing jobs, and the shortage is going to be severe in 10 or 15 years. Experts believe that we'll be almost a million nurses short of what we need by 2020. And since wages are set by supply and demand, that means that wages will continue to go up, probably sharply. Hospitals and retirement homes will be forced to offer more and more money and benefits to attract and retain quality…
I understand that, doing the job beyond their legal limitations was hard for them. But because Filipino nurses are typically compassionate, they have set aside the thought of facing consequences of their actions and didn’t think twice when they saw the imminent danger to the patient’s life, considering their knowledge and experience in critical situations as doctors.…