Task B: Own managerial skills performance
Lecturer: Tsitsi Marima
Student: Ana-Maria Lehadus
Id number: 21546
Date: 26/03/2014
Table of contents
Introduction p 3
2.1 Own management skills performance and evaluation p 5
2.2 Personal Swot analysis p 8
2.3 Personal objectives and targets p 13
4.1 Description of my own personal and managerial skills and the way they will support my career development p 15
4.2 Career and personal development plans- review p 17
Conclusion and recommendations p 19
Bibliography p 20
Source: www.google.co.uk/search?q=management+skills+image
This study is based on an assessment of my own management abilities performance. I will start by presenting the ways I had used to asses my own skills, then I will give clear patterns of my management abilities, followed by a critical evaluation.
On point 2.2 I will analyse my own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and treads, twice, on a month so I can make a comparison and identify potential changes.
After my SWOT analysis, I will make notes of personal objectives and targets on point 2.3, an enlightenment of how am I going to develop myself.
Next chapter, point 4.1 is a summary of my personal and managerial
Bibliography: Convey, S. R. (2004). Seven habits of highly effective people. In S. R. Convey, Seven habits of highly effective people. London: Simon&Schuster. Cousins J, F. D. (2002). Food and Beverage Management . In F. D. Cousins J, Food and Beverage Management. London: Longman. Kotler, P. (2012). Mrketing Management 14th edition. In P. Kotler, Marketing Management. London: Pearson. Marima, T. (2014). Developing Managers corsework. London: Mont Rose College. TheSaylorFoundation. (2013, 02). Management Skills and Styles Assessment. Retrieved 03 26, 2014, from http://www.saylor.org-Management-Skills-Assessment ask.com. (2014, 03 20). personal skills definition. Retrieved 03 20, 2014, from www.uk.ask.com: http://uk.ask.com/wiki/Skill?lang=en www.google.co.uk/search?q=management+skills www.googleimage/swotanalysis www.jumeirah.com