Tesco (a British company) has grown in a number of ways; Tesco is now an international business; as well as operating in the UK, it has stores in the rest of Europe and Asia 12 countries altogether providing around 2,318 stores worldwide! Operating under four banners; Tesco extra, superstore, metro and express. They have also developed in a number of ways; now not only do they sell groceries but they now sell fresh foods, clothing, toys, Insurance, household and electronic goods! Tesco has also introduced their own brand of cheaper products, home deliveries and a customer loyalty card (ClubCard). – Market penetration (Penetrate more deeply into the existing market) and Product development (New products developed into existing markets).
Apple (an American company) has grown in a number of ways; Apple now has 417 stores operating in 13 different countries worldwide! They have developed their products greatly; starting off with their iPod; Apple now sells iTouchs, iPads, iPhones, laptops and computers! - Product development (New product developed for existing markets) and Diversification (New products sold in new markets).
Both Tesco and Apple have used Product development; Tesco introducing their own branded food, Apple developing their iPod into an iTouch. Also, both Tesco and Apple are now operating worldwide and succeeding. However Tesco has around 2,318 stores whereas Apple has only 417 stores. Also, Apple has grown by diversification; introducing a completely new product (iPad) not knowing whether it would be successful or not.
Branding is a unique design, sign, symbol and/or words that creates an image that identifies a product and differences from its competitors, this image then becomes associated with levels of quality and satisfaction.
10 words that I think describe the brand: Affordable, food, clothing, stationary, ClubCard, successful, big, value, multi-cultural, busy and loyalty.