A stakeholder is anyone with an interest in a business. Stakeholders are individuals, groups or organisations that are affected by the activity of the business. There are two different types of stakeholders; internal and external. Internal stakeholders are groups within the business e.g owner/workers and employees. External stakeholders are local and national communities and governments, these are groups outside of the business.
The key stakeholders in a business include customers, suppliers, employees, local and national communities and governments.
Customers want a business to produce high quality value for money products. Customers like to see promotions and offers that give them better value for money, they also may like to see products that provide relief to the less fortunate or products that are environmentally friendly.
Customers can influence Tesco by deciding to continue to purchase goods and services from Tesco. Customers can choose to take their custom elswhere, therefore this influences the profits that Tesco would make.
The people who donate to the charity Oxfam are major stakeholders as Oxfam would not be able to be a succesful charity without the donations as they are the key to the money that is raised. Donators are major stakeholders as they're also the largest investors to charities like Oxfam and influence it greatly. Without this support network; work would be limited, goods would not be sold from Oxfam shops and business would be lost.
Employees are stakeholders within the company as the business provides them with a livelihood or, if the organisation is a non profit organisation, then this provides a sense of generosity for those who work for free. They seek security of employment ,promotion, opportunities and good rates of reward.
Employees influence the business Tesco by being a main part of how the business is run