What is your age? (Please circle your answer)
1. 16-25 2. 26-45 2. 46+
What gender are you?
Male Female
Is this your first visit to this hotel?
What is the reason for visiting the hotel?
1. Holidays 2. Business tour 3. Others
If others please state.........................................................
How many nights will you be staying?
1. 1-2nights 2. 3 or more
What would you like us to improve?
What did you enjoy the most during your …show more content…
How would you rate our customer services?
Excellent Good Average Poor
How did you hear about Pinewood hotel?
8. Family or friends 2. Website or advert 3. Travel packages
P4: Conduct primary and secondary research for a selected products/service making use of identifiable sampling techniques.
What is your age? (Please circle your answer)
9. 16-25 2. 26-45 2. 46+
What gender are you?
Male Female
Is this your first visit to this hotel?
What is the reason for visiting the hotel?
9. Holidays 2. Business tour 3. Others
If others please …show more content…
9. 1-2nights 2. 3 or more
What would you like us to improve?
What did you enjoy the most during your visit?
How would you rate our customer services?
Excellent Good Average Poor
How did you hear about Pinewood hotel?
9. Family or friends 2. Website or advert 3. Travel packages
P4: Conduct primary and secondary research for a selected products/service making use of identifiable sampling techniques.
What is your age? (Please circle your answer)
10. 16-25 2. 26-45 2. 46+
What gender are you?
Male Female
Is this your first visit to this hotel?
What is the reason for visiting the hotel?
10. Holidays 2. Business tour 3. Others
If others please state.........................................................
How many nights will you be staying?
10. 1-2nights 2. 3 or more
What would you like us to improve?