The Occupational Therapy concept of The Person
Occupation-Occupation (PEO) model will be applied throughout the assessment stage of Mrs. T, particularly the initial interview. Turpin and Iwama 2011, report that the PEO model presents the person, environment and their occupations as interdependent, and thus calls for a holistic approach as human behavior cannot be separated from the context it occurs in. In an acute setting, the unique OT role may be blurred by biomedical focus and a pressure to discharge, thus a firm anchor in theory can guide an assessment and intervention plan focused on occupational performance. …show more content…
T such as her GBS but the occupations she engages in the environmental influences that affect her. This allows the Occupational Therapist (OT) provide interventions which consider the more complex interactions and thus provide a wider array of strategies. In an acute setting, interventions will be likely be person focused and be guided by biomechanical principles; however by having the bigger picture in mind the therapist can still deliver a service that is occupational in nature. In turn, the quality of service delivered by OT’s across the continuum of care as all the service providers will be working towards the same