Occupational Therapy is a field that most people associate with Physical Therapy. However, these are two different fields. Physical therapy deals with helping a client to rehabilitate an injury like a torn ACL or a broken arm. Occupational therapy, on the other hand, is a form of treatment that facilitates the use of everyday activities. In most cases, occupational therapists work with people who have physical disabilities as well as some who have mental disabilities. “Common occupational therapy interventions include helping children with disabilities to participate fully in school and social situations, helping people recovering from injury to regain skills, and providing supports for older adults experiencing physical and cognitive changes (About Occupational Therapy). These tasks that these professionals do may also be used to help a client to learn a new way of living if they are in a life changing situation. They also help clients to be able to participate in learning situations as well as social. Therefore, as an occupational therapist, I will be working with kids using and working on their fine-motor development in order to help them succeed in the classroom as well as other aspects of their daily …show more content…
By doing this, occupational therapists are helping students to learn activities that they will be utilizing almost daily. In most cases this can help kids to succeed in school, where they may have had difficulties before. When working with kids, most of their therapy is typically “directed toward furthering educational goals considering all aspects of the students' function or occupational performance” while with older generations, it is more about maintaining or relearning the skills they have had (Reid 2006, p.