Occupational therapists are usually working with patients that are not necessarily looking reach ‘normal’ life. They work to educate their patients on how to take care of their daily hygiene tasks, and other work and hobby related skills with their impairment. Education in occupational therapy gives individuals the tools they need to feel they are living a purposeful life. Conversely physical therapists often have patients that are looking to make huge improvements by the time they are finished with treatment. The education physical therapists give individuals is also important, they teach people how to properly perform their exercise routines without inflicting damage to their bodies (Institute for Career Research 11). They also teach patients how to do therapy at home to further their results. Physical therapists similarly give patients tools to make daily tasks easier; however, their goal is to get the patients back their prior state of life so these tools are not meant to be long-term …show more content…
Occupational therapy’s entire focus is to help the patient reach a level of independence. Kielhofner writes that occupational therapist provide treatment for individuals whose impairments interfere with participation in their everyday occupations (5). For patients who have been injured or diagnosed with a disease, it is heartbreaking to think that they may never be able to take care of themselves or work again. Getting them the capability to do as much as their situation will allow at the time is what occupational therapist strive for. Safe independence is the main purpose for occupational therapy, whether that is with the help of assistive equipment or just learning different ways to do basic tasks. Whereas physical therapists usually attempt reach a higher level of functioning physically. The goal in physical therapy is to get the actual joints and muscles as close to the original range of motion and strength as possible. Physical therapists try to get their patients to the highest level of activity. Whether that be the same as they were before the injury, slightly less, or even at times marginally better than the individual was before the injury. Occupational and physical therapy have some common ground. However, it is where they differ that makes each field have its purpose. In any given major injury occupational and physical therapists must