When researchers speak of subjective well-being, they are referring to the study of happiness. The construct measured by researchers is to asses individuals life gratification and the regularity of positive and negative emotional proficiencies. One example is money and riches is not equivalent to bliss and most studies indicate individuals who win a great sums of money, rapidly return to the happiness they felt before winning the lottery.
I would not like to be hooked up to an ‘experience machine.’ I am human and with that being said, I feel happiness, sadness, anger and other emotions. In my opinion a world without negative emotions would lead individuals not to learn life lessons. Since learning
about post traumatic growth, this would be a great example to use, when we experience traumatic incidents as a result of something we will not experience negative emotional states, which will assist in our growth and we will not repeat the same mistake. As an alternative we will view all things as positive. Hedonic concepts of happiness are defined as the gratification of life and its inclinations. Eudaimonic happiness is based on the idea that individuals feel happy if they experience life resolution, trials and development. This approach adopts Self-Determination Theory to conceptualize happiness. Eudaumonic as well as Hedonic happiness both offer a great deal of satisfaction, however they are experienced in different ways.