I have met people who have fought PTSD and serviced the disorder. I will not give the names of the Marines to protect their privacy so I will call them Marine A and Marine B. Marine A I worked with for three years and he told me about his time in combat and what happened on the battlefield. He told me about how it was hard coming back state side and trying to live. We talked about how he was diagnosed with PTSD after his last deployment. We would talk about the struggles he faced day in and day out. We would talk about the triggers that he had that would cause flash backs. Fourth of July was always a tough day for him because of some of the popping fireworks sounded like gun shots and he would have flash backs to the battle field. Now combat is not the only thing in the military that can cause PTSD. Marine B had never been to combat he was fresh out of boot camp and was training for his job. No one ever knew that he had PTSD until one day he hung himself and we found the letter. Beforehand he had talked counselors and nothing was ever diagnosed. But after he killed himself an investigation was conducted and some other doctors looked into his file and from what they read diagnosed him with it. This shows my earlier claim that PTSD cannot just be diagnosed by one …show more content…
PTSD is one of those things they tell you to go to the VA for counseling. They will go but that doesn’t always help. “Alcohol, he soon found, dulled the pain” (Dreazen). He is writing about Specialist (Spc) Ty Carter an Army Soldier that suffers from PTSD from the war in Afghanistan 2009. Spc Carter talked about his relationship with women he said that they never lasted and the he was mean and now apologizes for how he acted. “Car rides evoked memories of roadside bombs that wounded his friends in Afghanistan” (Dreazen). Spc Carter had trouble going to shopping malls because of the crowds and led to panic attacks. The United States has the highest PTSD rate than any other countries military. “That’s because few other militaries in the world have been continuously at wat for so long or have sent their sons and daughters off to fight on distant battlefields as often” (Dreazen). That because most wars are fought on their own soil. These days Staff Sergeant Carter fights to help people better understand PTSD. “The 34 – year - old staff sergeant devotes his days to traveling around the United States delivering speech after speech – to strangers he doesn’t know, but whose night terrors he well understands” (Dreazen)
It takes a person years to get their PTSD under control where as others may not be able to control