The many symptoms of PTSD causes problems in the post war lives of veterans. Common problems include reminders of the traumatic event, negative changes in your thoughts and mood, avoidance of things that remind you of the traumatic event, and being on guard all the time, jumpy, and reactive. distressing thoughts and flashbacks make you feel like the event is happening again. People tend to experience extreme emotional and physical reactions to reminders of the trauma, and these cause issues such as panic attacks, uncontrollable shaking, and heart palpitations. PTSD victims also tend to avoid people, places, and thoughts that could bring back memories. This causes withdrawal from friends and family and the loss of interest in everyday life. Also PTSD victims tend to be more on guard and more reactive to certain things. Certain things can cause irritability, anger, reckless behavior, difficulty sleeping, and trouble concentrating. PTSD is really unrecognized, undiagnosed, and unreported and this can cause many …show more content…
Symptoms include the individual feeling as if they are re-experiencing the event. These triggers can cause much emotional distress in the person and cause involuntary actions. Individuals also tend to avoid people, places, and things that have a possibility of producing flashbacks. Ptsd victims tend to avoid situations that may lead to disturbing thoughts, feelings, or memories of the trauma. They may also tend to make efforts to avoid those certain situations. The mood symptoms will get worse over time. They will feel disconnected from others, they will always be in a negative mood state, and they will not have the ability to to feel pleasure and produce positive emotions. PTSD victims also tend to be more reckless and angry at little things. They tend to have negative behaviours and angry outbursts that is caused by the irritability of everything. All these symptoms eventually build up and lead to disorders later on in life such as eating disorders, depression, anger from the difficulty of controlling emotions, and suicidal