Wars natural disasters, fires, and major social changes can cause hard tolerable stress and major trauma, which often cause serious psychological problems and disorders. These conditions are all more common in the modern world and even threaten our
society. The broadest definition of the traumatic experience, describing it as emotionally insurmountable disaster, potentially life-threatening, that can not be overcome by standard mechanisms. Most people with this problem later be difficult to return to the previous, normal state, and the effects and symptoms of PTSD can take several months, even years, and completely change the life of an individual. In such cases, it can be concluded that comes PTSD syndrome. Posttraumatic stress disorder classified in the group of anxiety states and is formed upon exposure to life-threatening situations, it is defined as a delayed or sustained response to a stressful event (called a stressor), which can be experienced in isolation or in groups. Traumatic situations that can trigger PTSD include violent attacks disease at the individual, natural disasters or disasters caused by human factor and one of the most common causes of this disorder is the participation in the war. From post-traumatic stress disorder can suffer and victims of physical or sexual abuse such as rape and other crimes, survivors of the terrorist attack, torture, kidnapping or participated in the rescue of victims of accidents such as floods, fires or traffic accidents. Often, PTSD syndrome challenges the testimony of starvation or killing another person, or learning that a close friend or family member in danger.
PTSD Symptoms
Usually, the symptoms of PTSD occur in the first three months of a traumatic event, but in rare cases manifest themselves only after several years. They are divided into three categories: re-experiencing the trauma, avoidance and increased arousal. The most striking feature of which carries PTSD syndrome is a constant reliving of the trauma experienced through memories announcement or disturbing dreams, as well as the so-called flashbacks. Avoidance is manifested by refusing persons to face the facts related to the trauma - avoiding thoughts, feelings, and conversations on this subject, as well as places or people that remind her of what had happened. Patients becoming uninterested in everyday activities, emotionally empty and alienated from the once close people. The symptoms of hyperarousal include insomnia, excessive tension, guilt, excessive consumption of alcohol and other psychoactive substances, problems with concentration and memory, hallucinations, agitation and seizures of anger and even aggression. Post-traumatic stress disorder can dramatically change a person, have a negative impact on her career or social life, and even ordinary, everyday activities. Also, people diagnosed with the disease more susceptible to the other psihičkiim disorders, such as anxiety and depression, eating disorders, substance abuse, and propensity to suicide. PTSD syndrome can be caused by organic diseases, primarily cardiovascular and autoimmune as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system.