Every corporation in the world has issues that crop up and need to be identified and addressed. All companies whether for Profit or Non- Profit need to maintain in the black to survive in the economy of today. The for Profit Corporations need to satisfy either the owners or the stock holders, the Non-Profits need to maintain the ability to be a company that is visible throughout due to the fact that people are donating money for them to exist. Both types of Companies have a Board of Directors that are stake holders and key decision makers. This paper will identify key problems related to business ethics in a Not-for-Profit and For- Profit organization how they are addressed and what transpired after their actions were taken.…
When it comes to what makes a business a successful business it boils down to the moral integrity the owners instill into it. Philanthropic efforts are not only admired, but could be a great asset to a corporation's long term success. However, the issue remains as to how much is too much. A business still needs to be able to make a profit and at times it seems one outweighs the other. Whether it’s the latter of both profit and missions that makes a well oiled machine run, what is the incentive for the stakeholders? If more is put out than what is bought in what is the true plight for the entrepreneur: Is it material or mental?…
What makes a large organization like Wal-Mart financially successful? One could say it is the result of outstanding personnel or perhaps a strong determination to succeed. These factors certainly contribute. However the key to financial success in organizations lies in good accounting. Since early civilization began, accounting has been an important part of our financial transactions. In today’s world our use of modern accounting systems and accurate financial statements are critical components that make modern organizations successful. To facilitate understanding of this point one must understand how modern accounting systems have changed organizations, why accurate accounting is important, and how both factors contribute to organizational success.…
But now, before I continue with these two cases and concentrate in the matter of the false or “not so true and fair accounting” will focus on what is the definition of earning management, and what drives the CEO’s of these corporations to pursue the earning management style of working.…
3. Duska, R.F. and Duska B.S. (2003), Accounting Ethics: Foundation of Business Ethics, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK.…
The issue in this situation is the investment policy. Managers of non-profit organizations must ensure that investments are consistent with the values and principles set to achieve the stated objectives to guide activities, and ethical behaviour of its employees, volunteers and board members. The lack of an ethical base as a result of the lack of creation and monitoring of ethical standards has the potential to lead to a lack of success in the organization. However the fulfilment of the ethical standards of the institution by the leader and employees, since success is reflected in the work to be carried out, ensuring the objectives and goals to…
Business leaders must assess their values and make appropriate changes since they operate in a global economy where market forces have left the human aspect weaker and the profit element skyrocketed. Dalla Costa attempts to convince businesses to pursue moral and ethical policies. He addresses the principle of right and wrong but emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior to long-term survival and profit. The article dissects the different characteristics attributed to those optimistic and pessimistic. It describes the institutional pessimism of business, and explains how it is a product of fear – the fear of making mistake and of trying something new.…
Friedman, M. F. (n.d.). The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. In A. Allhoff & A. Vaidya (Eds.), Business in Ethical Focus: An Anthology(pp. 65-69). Peterborough: Broadview.…
Business seeks to create happiness for all stakeholders through the production of products and services that establish value for customers. However are the business decisions “right” or “ethical”? With relevance to business, Aristotle suggests three main arguments and ideas in the Nicomachean Ethics. First, appropriate virtues of character are the important principle in ethics that allows a person to be truly ethical and only through practicing and honing into these virtues does one exhibit sound moral judgement. Secondly, Aristotle places great emphasis on how positive and active communities are essential to nurture appropriate virtues. Lastly, guidance from successful ethical and moral leaders is essential to disseminate an appropriate depiction…
In his article, “An Aristotelean Approach to Business Ethics,” Robert Solomon argues that business should be viewed from the Aristotle way. He discusses that this view is not something very new but something that originated back to the ancient times. “What the Aristotelean approach promises is not something novel and scientific but an approach that is very staid and…
In our world, what is morally and ethically acceptable for one man may not be the same viewpoint held by another man. In any organization the driving force behind the mission and vision should be its ethics and morals. For any company to be successful, they must practice what is defined as good ethics, while exemplifying the utmost values of all of its competitors. The likelihood of a for-profit organization practicing poor ethics is generally higher than that of a not-for-profit organization. Not-for-profit organizations serve our communities and countries in some way with an emphasis on bettering society,…
Kermis G.F. and Kermis M.D. stresses that “Accountants’ failure to reflect ethically on the dilemmas they encounter in their work may lead them to make wrong decisions” (Senaratne, 2013). For this reason, ethics guides accountants and other makers of the corporation’s financial reports to include findings and data based on relevant sources. Top managers directed by ethical values develop effective leadership skills as well (Duggar, 2011). In this case, employees respect, trust and believe in them. Thus, it will lead to accountable financial statements that the corporation can use to make better decisions for the sake of the business in the distant future. These financial statements can be beneficial to other professional and to some practicing accountants as well.…
Accounting Ethics, Second Edition. Ronald Duska, Brenda Shay Duska, and Julie Ragatz © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-19613-0…
Previously, Albert Carr separates personal ethics and business ethics; how one can follow the ‘golden rule’ in their personal life, but discard the gold rule in business and become game players whose ultimate goal is to win in business. The Aristotelean approach, on the other hand, argues that one should not pretend to separate personal ethics from business ethics. ‘The Bottom Line’ should not be the most important thing, but it is “ultimately one’s character, one’s integrity, that determines happiness.” Thus Solomon does not agree with Ayn Rand’s egoism approach of selfishness nor does he agree with being fully vested to a corporation’s or its shareholder’s interest. This is a lose-lose situation when trying to chose between profits and social responsibility. The Aristotelean approach is a win-win solution, where both the individual and the corporation is happy.…
In order to obtain a valuable return of this paper, I’ve decided to have a closer look to the organization I am working and make a connection with the Art Friedman – Friedmans Appliance & Ron Johnson – Department of Accounting cases that we studied. It was very interesting when during the class I started to understand and to form a different perception on the facts and situations that are happening in the company I am working with.…