Packaging Materials Comparison
George King #3141824
Date: 24 Mar 2013
Dr. Carmen Mousel
American Military University
TLMT351 D001 Win 13
What are advantages and disadvantages within the supply chain for a paper- based shipping container, a wood-based shipping container and a plastic-based shipping container for use as a distribution package (a non-retail shipping package)? Advantages for using paper-based shipping containers are due to the corrugated box being a sustainable, versatile, and lightweight material. The paper-based shipping container can be used for multitudes of products and can be made into a custom-manufactured shipping container for those products. Typically these containers are used for transporting a wide range of goods such as packaged goods, produce, meat products, and etc. Corrugated box usages are good for the environment due to it being both reusable and recyclable. The paper product can be compostable which will be good for the environment since it will not end up in a landfill if properly handled. Since the product is biodegradable it is better for the environment. 1
Disadvantage for using paper-based shipping containers are due to the paper product coming into contact with outside elements such as being susceptible with wet weather conditions such as rain and snow. Stacking for long periods of time are not good since over time they will lose their shape without some sort of pallet or contour structure included into the design. 1 Advantages for using a wood-based shipping container is due to the sturdiness of the product for protecting the contents further. Having a wood container available will allow for it to be exposed to harsh climate changes and rough handling. Wood is less likely to fall apart due to outside elements and easier for movement in and around the warehouse. These containers are normally built for
References: 1. Website, http://www.internationalpaper.com/US/EN/Products/Transport/ShippingContainers.html 2. Website, http://www.container-transportation.com/shipping-container-housing.html 3. Website, www.usplastic.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=22827&catid=459 4. Website, http://www.ehow.com/info_8562652_advantages-disadvantages-plastic-containers.html