I risked my life
Often when I was young. Now I am old,
But as king of this people I shall pursue this fight
For the glory of winning, if the evil one will only
Abandon his earth-fort and face me in the open.
Another one of Christian beliefs that is defined in Beowulf, is the representative of Paganism. The paganism components talks about in Beowulf, fist talks about Grendel’s portrayal. Grendel is described in these lines: “Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend, Grendel, who haunted the moors, the wild Marshes, and made his home in a hell” (l. 16-18). All the way through the poem the devilish monster Grendel, that has hate towards Herot Hall and the meeting of his men partying. In line for to this he waits on them till after partying are over in the Herot Hall once the men are intoxicated and comes in and murder Hrothgar’s men parting him to live in grief and mourn the death of his men. The funeral Beowulf demanded before he die also…
Beowulf faces many battles in his life that symbolize struggles that people today have to face and overcome. In Thomas C. Foster’s book, How to Read Literature like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines, he states, “ people expect them (symbols) to mean something. Not just any something, but one something in particular” (104). That means that we want symbols to mean in thing like in Beowulf the monster Grendel could symbolize something. Grendel could be the very first major battle the a person faces, like Beowulf did in the book. This battle could be when someone gets their very first job while they are still in school and they realize that they might have bitten of more than they could chew. Once Beowulf…
Beowulf is a historical and elegiac Anglo-Saxon poem. Religion is an irritable subject and one of the main topics. The heroic character Beowulf is a depiction of superior and God. Grendel is the delineation of the Pagan beliefs as well as the corrupt in the world. This poem is composed of internal and external complications between the Pagan’s and the Christian’s beliefs. Even though Paganism is meticulously extended throughout the text, there are several references about Christianity. Keywords and phrases such as “fate”, “hoping for hell’s support, and many more help the reader understand the different religions that are visible in this poem. The anonymous author of Beowulf thrived with the legendary poem by embracing Paganism, Christianity, and the conflicts of both religions.…
Beowulf is the stepping stone for the creation of many stories of good vs. evil, ending with the hero receiving unending praise and adoration. With that many of the people who read of the epic poem now relate to it on many levels, my belief is that the Christian elements throughout this poem make it more intriguing to the modern day peruser. The author of the poem is unknown but based on the style of wording used and the Paganistic elements it is believed to have originally been scribed by Christian monks. Beowulf is a 'story' that has been passed down for generations being used as entertainment by the Anglo-Saxons in 10th century England. The biblical jewels hidden throughout this story not only help a reader to relate to the author’s work…
Another significant factor in how Beowulf is a Christian poem is that Beowulf is a Christ-like figure. An example of that would be how everyone looks at him; “Bold and strong minded, had driven affliction off, purged Herot clean. He was happy, now with that night’s fierce work; the Danes had been served as he’d boasted he’d serve them; Beowulf, a prince of the Geats, had killed Grendel” (400-404). Beowulf is set at such high expectations, since he sacrificed his life to protect his people just like Christ did when he died on the…
during the fight then that is just as God plans it to be. He tells the King that “my hands Alone shall fight for me, struggle for life Against the monster. God must decide Who will be given to death’s cold grip”(lines. 267-269). Beowulf will accept death if it is his fate. Beowulf does fight Grendel and wins. Then Beowulf must fight Grendel’s mother who is seeking revenge for her son’s death. These battles are described in detail as brutal and savage. Beowulf kills both monsters despite their…
Beowulf was originally written as a pagan oral tradition before the Christian monks infused their religion into it. The epic hero showed his faith to God as he battled the monsters and depicted the world of Christianity. However, the ideas in the poem are presented in both Christian God and pagan power which exemplifies Wyrd. Christianity and paganism are at opposite ends of the religious spectrum and each represent different beliefs and customs. Christians believe and follow the teachings of Christ and depend on the Bible for Spiritual guidance, but paganism is based on the belief and worshiping of other gods through sacrifices. Interspersed in each line is both elements, from the prologue to its end, each element tells its own story.…
Beowulf praised God and asked him for help. That is why God watched over him/ protected him in battle. God sent Beowulf to victory, while fighting Grendel's mother,“God, who sent him victory, gave judgement /Forth truth, right Ruler of the Heavens, /Once Beowulf was back on his feet and fighting” (lns 1554-1556). It states that during the fight God was watching over Beowulf. He protected him and in a way guided him to victory knowing Beowulf was helping others by killing monsters. God somehow made Beowulf realize that there was a sword hanging on the wall, that he ended up using to kill the she-wolf. God was watching over Beowulf. If he was Pagan, God would have been less likely to help Beowulf with defeating Grendel’s mother. With God’s help and his belief, he was able to get back on his feet, find a sword, and slay the evil she-wolf.…
On lines 116-119 of the poem, it says that Beowulf “Won’t go to fight Grendel without the Lord’s consent...”. This shows that Beowulf values the word of his Lord, and will not proceed with his mission until he gets His approval. Later in the poem, it says “They gave thanks to their God for their easy crossing”. Beowulf and his men attribute their tame voyage to God, believing he is responsible for their lack of troubles. Lastly, on lines 268-270, Beowulf remarks “Alone shall fight for me, Struggles for life against the monster.…
As Christianity spread through the culture of the Anglo-Saxons, the monks wrote down the religion’s ideas into the epic. The fact that the monks incorporated Christianity into the Pagan epic shows how the religion slowly started to spread among the culture during that time period. As the decline of the Paganism started and the rise of Christianity began, it was important to include the ideas of the newly found religion into the literature to please those who have converted. The monks were successful in adding the Christianity aspects into the Pagan-told story and the ideals are still noticed and sought out…
In this epic heroic poetry, Beowulf (8th- early 11th century) the author which remains a mystery suggests that Christianity will overpower or transition the early medieval Scandinavia which is pagan into Christianity due to the fact that Beowulf being the people’s hero and main hope references God more than once which shows the introduction of Christianity context. The author specifically references the Christian story of Cain and Abel which shows the slow but growing introduction of Christianity to the pagan early medieval Scandinavia. The author purposely ties/connects the main hero, Beowulf, with early references of Christianity in order to show that although Beowulf is the narrator and is not pagan, his trust in god allowed him to protect…
Throughout the poem, there are numerous references to Christianity, mostly referring to God, or the Almighty. These references begin right from the beginning of the…
The poem of Beowulf stands as one of the earliest works in English in which it deals with feuding, religion and fate. The poem Beowulf relates to his heroic deeds against Grendel, His mother, and the dragon while combining elements of christian ideas as well as pagan ideas. Around 700 A.D researchers speculated that the poem Beowulf was written by an unknown author in the West Midlands of England. They also included that the unknown author was a christian monk, who had much knowledge into the bible. Through the Anglo-Saxon Beliefs illustrated in the poem, Beowulf, characteristics of Christianity, paganism, and the clashing of the two ideas are representing through the epic hero Beowulf.…
Beowulf is a masterpiece that has pillaged and powered through centuries of oral retelling and translating just as the character it vividly illustrates does throughout the epic. Despite being so impressive and entertaining on the surface, the Old English classic embodies something a lot greater, and that is the moral struggle of religion going on at the time. Religion played a huge role in Anglo-Saxon culture for it was what gave the people a reason to live for, it was what motivated people to work to make it through the harsh winters. Even today, it can be seen that people require that extrinsic motivation to work hard and push through obstacles in their path. The dichotomy of Paganism and Christianity at the time is depicted by the tone of the narrator, which subliminally hints at what their own beliefs are, symbols, that accentuate the severity of the dichotomy itself, and allusions as well as foreshadowing, that further the Christian impact on the poem.…
Beowulf has a strong desire to demonstrate his bravery to others. He travelled to the Land of the Danes in large part to prove his courage by destroying Grendel. Just as he was about to kill Grendel, he offered a prayer to God. After the battle, Beowulf knew that he did not kill Grendel alone. He says that God allowed him to kill the monster and gave him all of the credit. Beowulf then fearlessly goes to Grendel’s mother’s underground lair after she attacks the mead-hall Heorot to avenge his death.…