Another one of Christian beliefs that is defined in Beowulf, is the representative of Paganism. The paganism components talks about in Beowulf, fist talks about Grendel’s portrayal. Grendel is described in these lines: “Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend, Grendel, who haunted the moors, the wild Marshes, and made his home in a hell” (l. 16-18). All the way through the poem the devilish monster Grendel, that has hate towards Herot Hall and the meeting of his men partying. In line for to this he waits on them till after partying are over in the Herot Hall once the men are intoxicated and comes in and murder Hrothgar’s men parting him to live in grief and mourn the death of his men. The funeral Beowulf demanded before he die also…
Beowulf is a historical and elegiac Anglo-Saxon poem. Religion is an irritable subject and one of the main topics. The heroic character Beowulf is a depiction of superior and God. Grendel is the delineation of the Pagan beliefs as well as the corrupt in the world. This poem is composed of internal and external complications between the Pagan’s and the Christian’s beliefs. Even though Paganism is meticulously extended throughout the text, there are several references about Christianity. Keywords and phrases such as “fate”, “hoping for hell’s support, and many more help the reader understand the different religions that are visible in this poem. The anonymous author of Beowulf thrived with the legendary poem by embracing Paganism, Christianity, and the conflicts of both religions.…
Beowulf is the stepping stone for the creation of many stories of good vs. evil, ending with the hero receiving unending praise and adoration. With that many of the people who read of the epic poem now relate to it on many levels, my belief is that the Christian elements throughout this poem make it more intriguing to the modern day peruser. The author of the poem is unknown but based on the style of wording used and the Paganistic elements it is believed to have originally been scribed by Christian monks. Beowulf is a 'story' that has been passed down for generations being used as entertainment by the Anglo-Saxons in 10th century England. The biblical jewels hidden throughout this story not only help a reader to relate to the author’s work…
Another significant factor in how Beowulf is a Christian poem is that Beowulf is a Christ-like figure. An example of that would be how everyone looks at him; “Bold and strong minded, had driven affliction off, purged Herot clean. He was happy, now with that night’s fierce work; the Danes had been served as he’d boasted he’d serve them; Beowulf, a prince of the Geats, had killed Grendel” (400-404). Beowulf is set at such high expectations, since he sacrificed his life to protect his people just like Christ did when he died on the…
When Beowulf was first recorded, it was likely written by Christian monks, who either interpreted the story in their own way or simply made edits of their own. This resulted in many nods to Biblical stories, one such nod being that Grendel was descended from Cain. On the other hand, in this day and age, religion is becoming less and less prevalent in everyday life, and for the sake of enjoyment, the religious background of Beowulf had to be…
Monks blended Christian beliefs with the traditional folk story of Beowulf. This gave the story several references to the Christian God, and in fact showing Beowulf as a Christ-like-figure. The references start right at the very beginning of the poem and continue through out the entire epic. The epic starts out by describing how God created the earth, "the Almighty making the earth, shaping these beautiful plains marked off by the oceans, then proudly setting the sun and moon to glow across the land and light it; the corners of the earth were made lovely with trees and leaves, made quick with life, with each of the nations who now move on its face." (1:21). There are several other instances of Christian importance all through the poem showing that the monks put there own opinions into this literary work.…
Beowulf was originally written as a pagan oral tradition before the Christian monks infused their religion into it. The epic hero showed his faith to God as he battled the monsters and depicted the world of Christianity. However, the ideas in the poem are presented in both Christian God and pagan power which exemplifies Wyrd. Christianity and paganism are at opposite ends of the religious spectrum and each represent different beliefs and customs. Christians believe and follow the teachings of Christ and depend on the Bible for Spiritual guidance, but paganism is based on the belief and worshiping of other gods through sacrifices. Interspersed in each line is both elements, from the prologue to its end, each element tells its own story.…
Beowulf is an epic poem that is filled with many different mythological character, and religious symbols. Beowulf is a story that has been retold, translated, and interpreted in many different ways. As a result of this story being interpreted and translated through the years; there is a combination of both the Christian religion and Pagan beliefs.…
Christian symbolism in Beowulf within the poem Beowulf, the poet utilizes the Christian religion to symbolize the elements of good and evil and Heaven and Hell. Beowulf is the oldest known English epic poem. The manuscripts date back to about 1000 A.D., when two scribes wrote it down for posterity. The poem was handed down from the Anglo-Saxon period, and through the retelling of the poem, it changed a little each time. The poem creates an oral depiction of an epic hero who strived to fight against the forces of evil. There really was a “historical” Beowulf who helped the Geats and Danes fight off pirates, but he was neither King of the Geats nor Danish hero at any time. In fact, he was not considered a man of any extraordinary qualities, much different than the Beowulf in the poem.…
Beowulf is an epic that follows the main character, Beowulf, and his quest for glory. Throughout his journey, Beowulf fights three monsters to protect the citizens of Denmark and Sweden. When this story was first told by the Anglo-Saxons, their main religion was Paganism. Paganism is a polytheistic religion which believes in animism, that spirits control every part of existence. As time went on, Paganism began to fade and Christianity started to take over. Beowulf is a prime example of dual authorship in literature since monks who wrote down the journey of Beowulf incorporated Christian ideals into the originally Pagan story due to the spread of Christianity.…
In this epic heroic poetry, Beowulf (8th- early 11th century) the author which remains a mystery suggests that Christianity will overpower or transition the early medieval Scandinavia which is pagan into Christianity due to the fact that Beowulf being the people’s hero and main hope references God more than once which shows the introduction of Christianity context. The author specifically references the Christian story of Cain and Abel which shows the slow but growing introduction of Christianity to the pagan early medieval Scandinavia. The author purposely ties/connects the main hero, Beowulf, with early references of Christianity in order to show that although Beowulf is the narrator and is not pagan, his trust in god allowed him to protect…
For the people who enjoy fantasy, action, and suspense and a bit of mystery, here is your favorite book, Beowulf. This book even has a strange possible connection to the days when Christianity and Paganism where at odds, and between light and dark.…
The epic poem Beowulf is a tale of a warrior, named Beowulf, and the events that lead to his death. One of the main concerns of the epic poem was whether or not it is of pagan or Christian origin, or whether it has pagan or Christian influences. Even though the poem appeared to be originally a pagan story, there are many clues in the text that point to Christian influence and tradition. Beowulf is essentially a Christian story with Christian customs: that man's survival depends on the protection of God, that earthly gifts come from God, and also that Beowulf is a Christ-figure.…
In Beowulf christianity reveals itself, in which the reader emotions may feel sympathy from the ideas in relates to the bible. The characters in Beowulf take on different roles that are similar to the characters in the bible. The setting also includes christian elements for example, Herot Hall that Hrothgar built in honor of his fame, were celebrations were held with his men. In Beowulf lines 14- 15 describes celebration and peace in Herot Hall: “As now warriors sang of their pleasure: So Hrothgar’s men lived happy in his hall.” Even though Herot hall is the place were the celebration occurred; however, Grendel’s hatred for Herot’s celebration causes him swooped in while Hrothgar’s men were drunk and killed them all. Another Christianity Element discussed in the Beowulf is Beowulf heroism, how he uses God through all of his battles. Before the battle against Grendel, Beowulf says in lines 174-175: “God must decide/Who will be given to death’s cold grip.” In this quote Beowulf is basically saying that God will decide who will win between him and Grendel in battle because he requested to fight with his hands alone. Upon Beowulf’s death from his last battle with the dragon, he thank God from the heavens above for allowing his…
Christian monks were likely the first to record the story of Beowulf, and it is likely that they had to interpret the story in their own way, or simply made edits of their own. The result of the Christian authors is many nods to Biblical stories, one such nod being that Grendel was a descendant of Cain. On the other hand, in this day and age, religion is becoming less and less prevalent in everyday life, and for the sake of enjoyment, Hollywood would alter the religious background of…