Faith is the concept of having complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Faith is a very powerful concept of the mind. It can influence a person to act in ways never thought possible. One’s beliefs may be so important to them that they may even be the center of that person’s life. Take Elie Wiesel, for example. He was a very religious person during his lifetime, let alone his youth. He would talk about his desire as a young boy to go and study Kabbalah whenever the opportunity presented itself. He loved the religion, and his faithfulness for it was one of the reasons why he was strong enough to make it out of the Holocaust alive. In brief, Elie Wiesel (along with many other individuals) has the capability of being able to endure extreme suffering. This boy was stripped from his family, robbed of his humanity, and brutally tortured day in and day out while experiencing the forefront of the horrendous Holocaust. It was a miracle that he made it out alive when he did. He was one of the lucky ones. More than six million people were killed during this
Faith is the concept of having complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Faith is a very powerful concept of the mind. It can influence a person to act in ways never thought possible. One’s beliefs may be so important to them that they may even be the center of that person’s life. Take Elie Wiesel, for example. He was a very religious person during his lifetime, let alone his youth. He would talk about his desire as a young boy to go and study Kabbalah whenever the opportunity presented itself. He loved the religion, and his faithfulness for it was one of the reasons why he was strong enough to make it out of the Holocaust alive. In brief, Elie Wiesel (along with many other individuals) has the capability of being able to endure extreme suffering. This boy was stripped from his family, robbed of his humanity, and brutally tortured day in and day out while experiencing the forefront of the horrendous Holocaust. It was a miracle that he made it out alive when he did. He was one of the lucky ones. More than six million people were killed during this