|Subjective: | | |STG: |Independent: | | |
|“Pain In My Left |Pain related to Venous |Varicocele occurs when the |After an hour of nursing |(Establish Rapport |(To Build Trust |After an hour of nursing |
|Testicle”as verbalized by |Insufficiency & Stasis |valves within the veins |intervention causative |(Monitor the patient LOC (Level of|(To check the response to|intervention, causative |
|the …show more content…
| |from the testicle back into |diagnosis. | |size and pressure. |diagnosis was confirmed. |
|Pain scale of 6 out of 10. | |the venous drainage system. |After 8 hours, the | |(To Promote wellness. | |
| | |This results in backflow of |patient will verbalize | | |After a week until the end|
|V/S Taken: | |blood into the pampiniform |relief of pain at the |(Complete Bed Rest. | |of hospitalization days, |
|BP: 120/80 mmHg | |plexus and causes increased |left testicle. | |(To examine the Blood |the patient was relieved |
|T: 36.5(C | |pressures, ultimately | | |Component, maintain |from pain and without any