Around the same time as the founding of THE REPUBLIC, nomadic groups started to condense and settle in Western Europe to form their own collectives. These factions, each composed of unique and different peoples, would become the foundation of a confederation allowing them to coexist with one another and fight back the tyranny of the LYSENKO DOMINION. Each faction has a faint connection to the history of the lands they settled that were destroyed in THE EROSION, with roots to its people or its invaders.
The discovery of Pallasite came at a great cost, as the destruction of many Middle Eastern nations caused the tide of Islamic refugees to swell. While Europe became …show more content…
Instead of slowly drifting into destruction, mainland Britain (primarily England and Wales) was beset by an attack only described as ‘supernatural’ by survivors of the catastrophe.
It was almost at once; a high pitch, keen shriek that reverberated. Only several saw its source: a Nirmita they called ‘The Banshee’ for its shrill noise and the doom that follows. Upon elicitation, the civilians of these lands lost all sentient comprehension, a perceived Multi-Neural destruction. Their brains were rewired from the inside out, resulting in complete servitude to the Nirmita. Those that were not affected by the attack, whether by random chance or lack of involvement with the Nirmita technology, were beset by all sides. The servants of the Banshee were aggressive against those who did not serve it, and no one knows what would happen should they be caught in their clutches.
The survivors that made it out alive from England and Wales sailed away to Ireland, now guests of the independent people. It seems only England and Wales had been afflicted, else the signs of MNI (Multi-Neural Infection) would be apparent. Ireland, now with refugees and a government lost to the ages, was forced to bear the …show more content…
The refugees that arrived came only with the clothes on their backs, so finding what they needed to continue progress was difficult. They became hardy, excelling at taking the things around them and turning them into what was required. Their engineers, especially, were now virtuosos. Their soldiers raided The Banshee’s Lands frequently, coming back with the dismantled bits that they needed. To the dismay of the Celtians, they reported the loss of much of their heritage. It did, however, make them eager to create their own history and continue steering ahead for their own