Infantry Training Volume II Skill at Arms (Cadet Weapons)
Pamphlet No. 5-C
The L98A2 Cadet GP Rifle (5.56 mm), L86A2 Light Support Weapon and Associated Equipment
This pamphlet supersedes Chapter 4 of the Cadet Training Manual Vol 1, (Army Code No 71462). On the receipt of the new Cadet GP Rifle all pages relating to the L98A1 should be destroyed.
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The contents provide clear military information concerning the most up to date experience and best practice available for commanders and troops to use in their operations and training. If you are prosecuted for a breach of health and safety law, and it is proved that you have not followed the relevant provisions of the ACOP, a court may find you criminally liable unless you can show that you have complied with the requirements of health and safety