The situations that Paul appears to be addressing in the letter is internal and external pressures facing the church such as, self ambition and strife.
(2) Highlight at least four major themes that are developed in the letter (You need to have clear, complete statements with some elaboration [not bullet-points])?
Four major themes that are developed in the letter are phroneo, which means to think or have a particular attitude or disposition. Harpagmos which means to be grasped, exploited or desired for one’s own advantage. He also talked about surface structure which is playing off of false conception of who God is. And deep structure which reveals the character of God. (3) In no more than three sentences, describe what you perceive to be the central message of this letter:
What I perceive the central message of this letter to be an invitation for us to participate in divine disposition of self-emptying obedience of the Christ. Those who are truly in Christ embody Christ’s self-emptying love. We have to rethink God by looking at Jesus.
(4) What did you notice, or what struck you, regarding the content of the letter after reading it in one sitting?
What I noticed regarding the content of the letter after reading in one sitting is that the way you deliver yourself from temporal circumstances is to participate in the divine disposition of selfless obedience.
(5) What does this letter teach us about God (what He wants, loves, desires, hates, how He works, His identity, etc.)?
What the letter teaches us about God is the deep structure that reveals his character.
(6) What does this letter teach us about Jesus Christ?
What the letter teaches us about God is that faithful discipleship is adhering to selfless love, followed by exaltation.
(7) What does this letter teach about the life and mission of