Eric Morrow
Policy Report #2
1. Summary
In Idaho about 20 years ago, voters seeked to put term-limits in the Idaho government. During that time, a lot 60 percent of Idahoans voted for term-limits, which would then restrict the terms of elected officials all the way to county commissioners. Idaho’s term-limit policy stated that during a 15 year period you would only serve 8 years in office, and during an 11 year period you can only serve 6 years. However, since this policy did not come in effect until 1996, the new term limits could not be applied until 2004. Over that time, officeholder’s opposition grew towards these term limits. The parties that were affected by term-limits declared their opposition in 2002, because if they did not they would be forced out of office. The leaders of these parties tried to convince the people to repeal this act of term limits. Including business leaders and local officials also opposed term limits because of their potential impact of the government. In low populated areas, not very many people would be willing to work in a low-wage or no-pay offices. Also another predicament would be that the long-term offices positions could possibly not be filled. Idaho, in 2002 was the first state to repeal term limits. However, the Idahoan legislature voted for repeal overriding the governor’s veto. The supporters of term-limits then gathered votes to “repeal the repeal”. With 1,889 votes of more than 400,000 ballots cast, the legislatures were approved and were sustained from the term limit supporters.
2. Questions
1. When it comes to the question of whether the Republicans were being hypocritical or not, I believe they were not. At first Republicans may have thought term limits were a splendid idea, however over time their views could have changed. I think they would have changed by seeing how others viewed the topic. Not only do the official’s views matter, but voters or term-limit oppositions may have brought up