Storytelling is an art that can be done by movement ,sound ,talking.
It is a way of transmitting a message in an entertaining and memorable manner. Storytelling is the conveying of events in words and images often by improvisation or embelishment.
Stories allows us to capture our. isteners' attention, but they also make it more likely that they will remember what we are saying. storytelling is the powerful way of transmitting the message through ages.
What is differnce between method acting and character acting? Character acting you become the person. method acting when actors try to replicate real life emotional conditions. Method acting means creating the emotion in yourself. when you become you character not just act the character you feel the characters pain and joy. method acting is basically when the character becomes emotionally connected with their character.
Method acting is when the actor uses a particular memory from his or her own life to be able to relate to what a character is experiencing in a particular scene.
What is method acting technique. ?
Method acting technique has a variety of excercises.
Method acting technique starts with relaxation . Relaxation is the biggest problem an actor faces is the inability to relax The objective of relaxation is to loose the expressions, mannerism, and energies not necessary for the character for character. Trying to break down habits and mannerism. Observation:
To understand the character that you play use observation of people that behave like your character. How do they move , laugh, talk ,sit etc. For example if your wera to play an atlete . How does he prepair, than feel how you would do this, it is not a matter of copying but of understanding how things work.
Sense memory :
Sense memory is close to reliving your emotions in order to utilize them for character building your role For example. I. past maybe you have an injury That was painful