Unit Two Study Guide - Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6 & Oedipus the King (Rex)
(please note—you do not have to turn this in. This is to help guide you through the material. Each of these questions will be on the test).
Student Learning Outcomes for this Study Guide:
1. Recognize essential terminology and concepts relevant to the creation of theatre works of a stylistic period or culture. (Critical Thinking)
2. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the performance and practice of theatre. (Critical Thinking)
3. Demonstrate an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide or govern the theatrical arts through using oral, written, or visual means to communicate an informed personal reaction to works of theatre. (Communication Skills)
4. Show social responsibility through intercultural study and discovery of regional, national and/or global artistic traditions in theatre. (Social Responsibility)
The Actor
1. What does Thespian mean?
Thespian means Actor.
2. Describe the acting profession as stated in your book?
Most bewildering profession. Can be extraordinarily rewarding but also most tough and demanding. Takes incredible sacrifices from every area of life: Financial, spiritual, mental, and physical.
3. Define representation training/acting.
Acting emanates from somewhere INSIDE the actor. Studies the role closely, uses imagination, lives the life of the character.
4. Define presentational training/acting.
Actor presents something to the audience.
5. What is The Method?
7 Elements: Zadacha, Public solitude, Subtext of meaning, Artistic communion, Emotional memory, Physical actions, Hard work
6. What school was founded by Elia Kazan and who was this school’s most influential teacher?
Actor’s Studio: Lee Strasberg
7. What two features are required to make a good actor?
Acting from the Inside and Acting from the Outside.
Actor’s instrument, Actor’s method of approaching a role
8. What are the three parts to the actor’s instrument/self?