21cm x 15cm pan
Bounty Paper Towels ($1.97/ roll)
Brawny Paper Towels ($1.88/ roll)
Great Value Paper Towels ($0.97/ roll)
Measuring Cup
Observation/Question: Do all paper towels have the same absorbency? Are more expensive paper towels more absorbent?
Hypothesis: I think more expensive paper towels are more absorbent than less expensive paper towels.
Controls: Same amount of water for each paper towel; same size paper towel used; the same surface used in each attempt; process to determine the amount of water left; the water will be left on the paper towel for the same amount of time; test all three brands on the same day and time of day.
1. Cut paper towels into 10 cm x 12 cm squares.
2. Lay one square of Bounty paper towel in the pan.
3. Measure out 20 mL of water and add pan.
4. Let it set for one for one minute.
5. Pick up paper towel with forceps and let the extra water drip out of paper towel until the drops are at least five seconds apart.
6. Pour water in pan back into the graduated cylinder and calculate the amount of water the square of paper held.
7. Repeat for each brand 3 times Results (quantitative):
Great Value
1 2
15 mL
13.2 mL
15 mL
14.7 mL
14.5 mL
15 mL
12.3 mL
16 mL
14 mL
Avg. 14 mL 14.57 mL 14.67 mL
(Amount measured after water absorbed)
My hypothesis stated that more expensive brands of paper towels would be more absorbent than less expensive brands of paper towels. I accepted my hypothesis. According to my results, the most expensive brand of paper towel was more absorbent than less expensive brands. Also, the least expensive brand of paper towel was the least absorbent.
I need to repeat the experiment several times and see if I get the same results.