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Alcohol Abuse and Native Americans - ... According to statistics held by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (2011), in regard to alcohol abuse amongst different cultures, it was established that 3.4 percent alcohol dependency rate existed among African Americans while the Native Americans had a dependency rate of 5.6 percent. Furthermore, the results also revealed that unlike other cultural groups in the United States of America, the Native American alcohol dependents begun excessive consumption of alcohol at an earlier age and drunk more heavily.... [tags: Substance Abuse]
:: 4 Works Cited 1792 words
(5.1 pages) $34.95 [preview]
Alcohol and Drug Abuse - Alcohol and Drug Abuse Alcohol and drug abuse is one of biggest problems in United States today. It is not only a personal problem that dramatically affects individuals '
Cited: 1792 words (5.1 pages) $34.95 [preview] Alcohol and Drug Abuse - Alcohol and Drug Abuse Alcohol and drug abuse is one of biggest problems in United States today. It is not only a personal problem that dramatically affects individuals ' lives, but is a major social problem that affects society as whole. "Drug and alcohol abuse", these phrases we hear daily on the radio, television or in discussions of social problem. But what do they mean or what do we think and understand by it. Most of us don 't really view drug or alcohol use as a problem, if that includes your grandmother taking two aspirins when she has a headache or your friends having few beers or drinks on Saturday night.... [tags: Argumentative Drugs Alcohol Essays]