Paprika Paprika is a novel that was written by Yasutaka Tsuitsui in the year 1993 and published in Japan. In 2006, Satoshi Kon co wrote and produced an animated film on the same storyline by Yasutaka. In the opening of the movie, the audience does not know it yet but, it is a dream that shows Paprika in the head of a detective called Toshimi Konakawa. Paprika is a dream detective and his present case entails finding what is causing the detective’s nervousness fixation. The surveillance starts in a big circus but soon it thaws into Tarzan and Jane, from the movie of Tarzan, before flashing through scenes of other films. The peak comes when after arriving too late at a murder scene, Konakawa wakes up screaming (Tsuitsui). A voice is heard asking to know more. Paprika is about a set of brilliant researchers who are designing a device called the DC Mini with the main purpose of designing being the ability to literally go into their patient’s dreams and record them (Tsuitsui). The reason behind this kind of research is to allow the scientists a chance to try a different approach in therapy. The audience is however not given a chance to see much of this because the team discovers that someone has stolen the devices prototype. This meant that the DC Mini device could be used by deceitful thief to probe the mind of any patient or even doctor as long as they were hooked on any other computer that was connected to the device. Dr. Atsuko Chiba then decides uses her alter-ego Paprika and enters the dream world to discover the culprit behind the stolen stereotype (Tsuitsui).
Social issues The whole movie is based on the creation of a device that is meant to help people work through their personal issues. In the society, people are encouraged to help each other to work out their troubles. The scientists develop the device to help in the management of different issues that affect the mind and in turn help their patients go back to their