Although the CEC Paraeducators’ Standards are comprehensive, one part that I feel is not adequately addressed is the paraeducator's self-evaluations standards after the teaching and instructional sessions to aid in the establishment of improvement goals for students. It is apparent that assessment canon in the CEC Standards evaluates the effectiveness of the instructional plans and strategies, but little attention is directed to paraeducator's themselves to ascertain their in-depth urge to assist their students. According to Iowa Department of Education (2013), self-evaluation among the paraeducators is one of the fundamental principles for effective professional practices. Therefore, I feel that paraeducator's self-evaluation …show more content…
canons should be incorporated to into CEC Standards.
Paraprofessionals' Self-evaluation Standards
Self-evaluation standards will hold the paraeducators responsible for the establishment of rapport with their students.
Self-evaluation principles act as the scorecards for evaluating the effectiveness of paraeducators' services. As suggested in Iowa Department of Education report (2013), performance indicators that characterize self-evaluation include paraeducators' abilities to plan the lessons and comprehend the lessons objectives, give a clear and concise introduction to aid students in understanding the concepts. Other performance indicators under the paraeducators' self-evaluation standard are the evaluations on the capacity to offer concise and definite instructions to their students. Furthermore, despite the existence of standards for instructional planning and strategies, there is a need for guidelines applicable for teachers to ask themselves if instructional materials are efficient. Paraeducators need to evaluate the appropriateness of the reinforcement techniques for instructions (Council for Exceptional Children, 2009). Self-evaluation standard is an extension of assessment standard that will aid in the determination of the achievement of the unit objective from the paraeducators' perspective who will evaluate their esteem capacity to encourage and assist students with diverse …show more content…
Importance of Paraprofessional Standards
One of the significance of paraprofessional standards is that they help them in defining appropriate expertise they must master if they are to deliver efficient and safe special education practices at advanced and basic levels.
Secondly, CEC paraprofessionals’ standards are useful in informing credentialing agencies, accreditation organizations, and preparation programs about paraeducators' professional and ethical canons (CEC, 2015). Lastly, the standards under the professional and moral principles hold the paraprofessional responsible for delivering their services in aid of the community of folks living with various disabilities. It follows the provision that since paraprofessionals serve people in the society living with exceptionalities, they have distinct roles and mandates recognizable by both the credentialing agencies and
Expectations for Paraprofessionals As a result of the unique role in giving assistance to the individuals with exceptionalities, I expect that paraprofessionals should deliver their mandate in practical ways to bridge the gap between typical students and who require special attention in a learning environment. It is my expectations that paraprofessionals work together using the teamwork principles to establish a conducive, positive and safe atmosphere for learning and teaching. I expect that when working jointly with the paraprofessionals, they foster a collaboration culture as it is one of the ways of creating positive social interactions and relationships with exceptional students.
In summary, I feel there is a gap in the CEC Paraeducators' Standards regarding self-evaluation among the paraprofessionals in support of the assessment standard. Self-evaluation principles act as the scorecards for evaluating the effectiveness of paraeducators' services. A Clear representation of the canon will aid in expounding the appropriate expertise that paraprofessionals must master if they are to deliver efficient and safe special education practices at advanced and basic levels.