Paralichthys Californicus
Status: Least concern
Conservation Efforts: Since the Paralichthys Californicus is on the “Least Concern” list, there are no conservation efforts for the animal.
Physical Description: The body of the California halibut is oblong and compressed. Their head is small and the mouth is very large. Their color is dark brown to black on the eyed side and white on the blind side. They have a high arch in the middle of the top side above the pectoral fin, something different from other flatfish.
Behavior: California halibut are solitary ambush predators that lie in the sand, waiting for their prey to swim by. California halibut use chromatophores that mirror the ocean floor to create live camouflage.
Range and Habitat: Their habitat is the subtidal sands in the ranges of the Quillayute river down to the Magdalena bay and Baja California.
Diet and Feeding Type: Paralichthys Californicus are carnivorous, piscivorous, planktivorous. These animal hunt during the day and night waiting idly in the sand.
Fun Fact: California halibut are born with eyes on both sides of their face but during adolescence their left eye moves to the right side of their faces.