There are two types of hyperparathyroidism, primary …show more content…
The parathyroid glands are responsible for maintaining levels of both calcium and phosphorus in your body by increasing or decreasing the secretion of parathyroid hormone as needed. The body loves to maintain homeostasis, so, for the most part; the body balances the levels out well. When calcium levels in your blood fall too low, your parathyroid glands increase the secretion of PTH to rebalance the levels. PTH raises calcium levels by drawing calcium from your bones and increasing the amount of calcium absorbed from your small intestine. When blood calcium levels are too high, the parathyroid glands decreased the secretion of PTH. However, one or more of these glands can produce too much hormone causing unusually high levels of calcium and low levels of phosphorus in your blood. Calcium aids in the communication of signals in nerve cells, and it is involved in muscle contraction, with the aide of another mineral, phosphorus (Stalberg, 2007).