- A reservoir host is the host of an infection in which the infectious agent multiplies and/or develops, and on which the agent depends for survival in nature; the host essential for the maintenance of the infection during times when active transmission is not occurring.
Life cycle of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis
(A)Adult worms in meninges lay eggs (B) eggs go into circulation, reaches the lungs (C) hatches into larvae L1. The L1 migrate up bronchial tree (D) to pharynx, coughed, swallowed, feces (E). L1 infects snails or slug through foot. L3 takes approximately 3 weeks. F-S with L3 are ingested penetrates abomasum, spinal nerves to spinal cord. Mature 20-30 days to adults. Adults migrate to subdural space to brain from ingestion to exit of eggs in feces (prepatent period). …show more content…
When such happens, fish or any sea animal is infected. Hence, humans that use these as source of food are at risk of getting infected. In humans, factors such as high iron concentration, very young or old age, or an immune incompetence increase the risk of getting infection.
Climate change
Global warming could cause water temperature to fluctuate. E. tarda may be revived when environmental conditions, such as warm water or increased in organic matter, are favorable. Additionally, E. tarda may remain in fresh and marine waters for extended periods in a viable but non-culturabhe form.
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