Wesley Webster
Student ID# 000258005
Western Governors University
Dr. Kim Shahi and Dr. Heidi Atkinson
September 3,2013
Experiment 11: Fomite Transmission
Elements Necessary to Spread Infection
There are three elements necessary for the spread of infection. First there has to be a source of an infective organism. This source can be endogenous or exogenous. Endogenous sources of infection reside on or in the host’s body. In contrast exogenous sources arise from outside. Second there has to be a mode of transmission. Described in below are the three primary modes of transmission, vertical, horizontal or contact. Lastly there has to be a susceptible host. Susceptibility of the host to infection generally is determined by the integrity of the host’s immune system and their ability to fend off the infective organism. (Alonzo, p.79) …show more content…
Factors such as age, stress, immunity and overall condition of health of the host define the host’s susceptibility to infection. (Alonzo, p.79)
Description of Three Primary Modes of Pathogen Transmission
The three primary modes of pathogen transmission are vertical, horizontal, and contact. Vertical transmission occurs from mother to child, usually via the placenta. Horizontal transmission occurs from person to person, for example sexual contact. In the contact mode of transmission the contact can be either direct (exposure to body) or indirect (inanimate objects), ie: fomites.
Description of Eight sites to Test
For my eight sites to test for presence of microorganisms I chose the following: 1. Couch Cushion 2. TV Remote 3. Computer Keyboard 4. Door