2 agar plates divided into 4 equal sections were used for this experiment. Each section was labeled with a number from 1-8. 8 Sterile swabs were used, 1 for each surface swab. 8 surfaces in my home were then identified that could serve as a fomite and swabbed with a sterile swab that was dipped in distilled water to moisten it. Surface #1 was the garbage disposal in the kitchen sink. It was swabbed and the microbes transferred to the appropriately labeled section marked #1 of the agar plate. Surface #2 was the inside of the toilet lid. It was swabbed and the microbes transferred to the appropriately labeled section marked #2 of the agar plate. Surface #3 was my fiancé’s toothbrush. It was swabbed and the microbes transferred to the appropriately labeled section marked #3 of the agar plate. Surface #4 was the corner of the bathroom tub. It was swabbed and the microbes transferred to the appropriately labeled section marked #4 of the agar plate. Surface #5 was the outside door knob leading into my house. It was swabbed and the microbes transferred to the appropriately labeled section marked #5 of the agar plate. Surface #6 was the inner bathroom door knob. It was swabbed and the microbes transferred to the appropriately labeled section marked #6 of the agar plate. Surface #7 was the kitchen trash can. It was swabbed and the microbes transferred to the appropriately labeled section marked #7 of …show more content…
The 2 areas that were most surprising were the outside front door knob and the corner of the bathroom tub. Being that not just myself and my fiancé touch it I expected that the outside door knob would harbor a lot of bacteria. It is touched by numerous people coming and going from our home. It had absolutely no visible growths that could be observed with the naked eye. The corner of the bathroom tub is a completely different story! It had just been cleaned 2 days prior to this experiment. The growth that was observed after only 48 hours of incubation was disgusting. The area of agar used was almost completely covered in a mold like growth. Since it had been cleaned just 2 days prior to, I had expected it to yield almost no growth. I was wrong! After this experiment, that bathtub was cleaned twice, using straight unconcentrated