The Immune system is one of the most important parts of the human body. Its role is to protect us from outside dangers such as pathogens and disease and to keep the body healthy. The immune system protects the body from disease by having a complex system of organs and cells to keep the body safe. The first barrier of the immune system and of the body is the skin which keeps out pathogens from entering the body, but if there is a cut in the body, the skin can no longer defend against the pathogen, so next comes inflammation which helps to limit the spread of the disease by causing swelling and a large amount of white blood cells to go to the injured parts of the body. Another really important …show more content…
The ways they are transmitted are, blood-borne, air-borne, water-borne, contact, sexual contact, vector, and, food-borne. With all these different and very common types of diseases being transmitted to people all around the world, it is very important to make sure people go to check ups with their doctors frequently, and if you think you have some of the symptoms of the disease, to get tested to see if you have it, so it doesn't spread to even more people. With all diseases there is always a patient zero, which means the first person who had the disease. It is important to know who this patient zero is, so you are able to track how many people have been in contact with people and from there how many of those secondary people who made contact with patient zero have been in contact with anyone else. So it ends up making a sort of tree graph of all the people who have or could have the …show more content…
If the samples did contain the antigen then the primary and secondary antigen would react and bind to the antigen and the enzyme substrate, therefore resulting in a blue color change. It is important to wash out the wells after every step, to keep the experiment all the same, and to make sure there is no unwanted substances inside the wells, that would interfere with the experiment. When we added the primary antibody to the well, and it contained the antigen, then the primary antibody would bind to the antigen, and if the sample did not contain the antigen, then the primary antibody could not bind to the antigen. But in both these situations, there would be no color changing reaction, because the secondary antibody was added and couldn't bind to the enzyme substrate, which causes the blue color changing reaction if its positive, and no reaction if its negative. If the sample shows a negative result this does not always mean you no not have the disease. This could always be because the experiment wasn't done properly and there was an error somewhere along the process which caused the result to appear negative, or that the sample taken did not contain any of the disease or the antigens, and it could still be some of the disease somewhere in the body. You could avoid getting