Death in the Lives of Adults (Class 11) * I. Parental Bereavement * Introduction * Erickson, adulthood- Generativity vs. Stagnation: A child’s death is opposed to the nurturing psychosocial task of adulthood * Death of a child represents the untimely loss of a potential future * In earlier times and less developed countries, child is not viewed as a “person” until he/she has lived long enough to be viable * In modern societies, death of a child is considered the least natural death * The ultimate lack of protection and nurture, the ultimate breakdown of being a “good parent” * Many issues of bereavement over the adult life cycle * “He …show more content…
“The greatest of human possibilities remain to the very end of life- the possibilities for love and feeling, reconciliation and resolution.” Robert Butler * C. “After one has lived a life of meaning, death may lose much of it’s terror. For what we fear most is not really death, but a…….. and absurd life. I believe most human beings can accept the basic fairness of each generation’s taking its turn on the face of the planet if they are not cheated out of the full measure of their turn.” Robert Butler
Suicide (Class 12) * Suicide--- a permanent solution to a temporary problem * I. Introduction * A. “The most complex and understood of all human behaviors, although it has been documented throughout recorded history.” * B. A death like no other; survivors left with unending “what if’s”; assumption by others that more could have been done * C. Statistics * 1. 33,000 people in US die by suicide every year; ranks third among ages 15-24; males outnumber females 4:1 * 2. Official counts are understated * a. Many auto accidents are considered suicide, “autocide”, often suicides in disguise * b. Victim-precipitated homicide: Homicide victim who intentionally provokes others * D. Represents …show more content…
Idea that suicide is contagious: “The Sorrows of Young Werther”, 1774, epidemic of suicide attributed to the book. The influence of “suggestion” on suicidal behavior has been termed the “Werther Effect”. The existence of an imitative effect is controversial * B. The Individual * 1. Stressful life events * C. Biological Factors * 1. Low levels of serotonin appear to be correlated with suicidal behavior * a. Some may have lower risk by the use of appropriate pharmacology * V. Lifespan Perspectives * A. Childhood: Researchers believe that rates would be higher if childhood accidents were examined more closely for intent * B. Adolescence and Young Adulthood * 1. Third leading cause of death in individuals ages 15-24 in the US * 2. Family violence, disengaged families, deficient support, physical abuse, parental suicidal behavior, instability in living situations, and substance abuse are important factors * 3. “Copycat Suicide”: Cluster suicides, imitation occurs. Important factors in connection with depiction in the media. * 4. Suicide Pacts: Arrangement of 2 or more people to kill themselves at the same time and place. * C. Middle