Mr. and Mrs. HarshHeart believe in the importance of stern discipline and impose strict rules that they expect their children to obey without question. They penalize behavior harshly, frequently with spanking. Mr. and Mrs. Easygoing do not use punishment to enforce their rules and believe in natural consequences teaching lessons and setting limits on behavior. They have regular family meetings with their children to discuss household rules and their importance to the family dynamics. These styles of parenting have their advantages and disadvantages. There are ethical and unethical issues when it comes to discipline with punishment styles as well.
The advantages and disadvantages of The HarshHeart family can lead to positive outcomes and horrible. The Harsh family would be the authoritarian style of parenting. This style would be the old fashioned style. This style believes in the usual strict rules with no question. Consequences are harsher than normal when looked at the situation. Strict parents hold their students to high standards in academics. The parents demand perfect grades from their children and the children most of the time live to those expectations. Strict parents may use the academic performance as a guideline for other activities, such as the children will be limited in other fun activities if they do not excel in their school work. The children tend not to slack off on school work to keep other activities available. Strict parent usually install more confidence in their children.
They don’t only discipline their children but teach them the importance of discipline. The children become more morally strong and realise that their decisions in life have consequences that they must encounter. In a slack, less strict, permissive environment a child can become selfish. A strict family tends to make it equal because the children have to do work just as the parents do such as chores in the household. The idea of a