When we think of the children and discipline, what often comes to mind is training children in a controlled way, drilling instructions and instilling fear of punishment for a child to obey, and sometimes also giving rewards once the instructions are followed. We also tend to bribe the child, plead with him/her to carry out an exercise.
Montessori had different views regarding discipline and obedience that were all in favor of the child and benefiting to him/her in different stages of development. She believed that discipline is active and emerges from within a child through purposeful work with hands in a favorable environment. She believed that discipline in itself is a self will, master of one self and it has to come from deep within the child and it should not be externally imposed upon a child.
(Montessori, 2007b)The Montessori discipline is active and ongoing, it never stops, and it is always in action and developing. Montessori described obedience as a sublimation of the individuals own will to replace with others.(Montessori 2007a p.g 234) The child obeys by choice, not by force.
In Montessori’s perspective self discipline is born in a child when he/she concentrates on something that attracts his/her attention and provides him/her with useful exercise and also control of error. (Montessori,2007a pg 240) She provided the children with useful auto educative materials in a favorable and prepared environment, materials that were all benefiting to the children.
In a favorable and conducive environment, where a child has all the positive choices and freedom within limits, with the directress setting his/her ground rules,
Bibliography: Montessori, M. (2007a) The Absorbent mind Amsterdam: Montessori Pierson Publishing Company Montessori, M. (2007b) The Discovery of the child Amsterdam: Montessori Pierson Publishing Company