But I, sometimes, wonder why? Then I recall the words of old - "Discipline your children while they are young enough to learn. If you don't, you are helping them to ruin themselves."
So what is so majestic about discipline that following it would prevent the ruin of my life? Have you ever paused to observe that the word discipline almost completely has the word 'disciple' within it? Discipline, in its original sense, probably meant nothing but focused training given to students or 'disciples' of a particular craft or trade, which they would then continue to perform. That is why, even today, we sometimes enquire as to which discipline of work one belongs. So then, why does one fear or feel uneasy when hearing the word 'discipline'? We seem to understand it in everyday language as something associated with punishment and sternness. But, perhaps, that is just an illusion. An illusion which makes us see only the negative aspect of an entity, which may otherwise be the foundation and the driving force behind the very law of success in every sphere and aspect of humankind.
Let us look back at our own lives. From our youngest days, had our parents, elders and teachers not disciplined us well enough, would we have reached where we are today? The answer is no. Had we, then, not continued to follow in that discipline set in our life, would we not have gone astray long ago? The answer is yes.
So what does that mean? It means that discipline is like a shepherd's crooked staff. It is a single entity, with multiple roles, but a common aim at hand. It is a staff to guide and show the path, a rod to correct the wrong, and a crook to pick out the lost wanderer and bring him back to the right.
Discipline is a virtue, my friends, a lesson to be learnt at a very young age. It cannot be developed overnight, and is definitely not available in the market. The cultivation of discipline starts right from home, then at school. Sure, it takes